Anytime. Anywhere. Any device.
Management Cockpit for 360° Monitoring.
360° Monitoring Suite.
Information overkill, dynamics, endless operational construction sites and KPIs? Lacking an overview?
Anytime. Anywhere. Any device. - MS 360.
The web-based MS-360 suite offers comprehensive and complementary monitoring to check if your organizational dimensions are on point. The key plus for management here is scope to shed light on what lies below the tip of the iceberg - i.e. the hidden factors impacting on change.
Essentially, it’s about visualizing and creating a roadmap.
Organizational Fitness
Organizational Cardiogram
OCG is a streamlined portal that measures and visualizes the overall fitness of an organization, with dimensions and subdimensions that embody the gut feeling of the C-list executives and the organization as a whole. The perspective it reveals can expand, confirm or put in context solid KPIs in a complementary manner. And when you add latency to the mix, soft factors often emerge early on during measurement.
Modern Work Fitness
Modern Work Cardiogram
The MWC is a streamlined portal that measures and visualizes all aspects of your organization’s maturity in the area of Modern Work. Are your leadership principles, agility and flat hierarchies commensurate with the data protection policy? Do you have a digital infrastructure ripe for collaborative teamwork? And will this all sync properly to your corporate ICT strategy? The parameters of the MWC dimensions help answer such questions, highlight where internal perceptions differ and shed light on the bigger picture of maturity in a Modern Work context.